Velkomin/nn í Föndurlist – Hafnarfirði, Strandgötu 75 – OPIÐ – Þriðjudaga – Miðvikudaga og Fimmtudaga kl 13-18


Töfrandi litir frá PRISMACOLOR

Mjög mikil litadýpt, styður fjölmargar teikniaðferðir, og henta vel fyrir alla notkun listamannsins. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Hér eru nokkur myndbönd sem sýna hvernig Við bjóðum upp á margar gerðir af litum frá PRISMA, bæði í margs konar pökkum, og í stökum blýöntum. Komdu og finndu litina sem þig akkúrat vantar núna. Nokkrir vinsælir PRISMACOLOR […]

Hágæða teiknivörur frá Cretacolor

CRETACOLOR framleiðir mikið úrval af myndlistavörum fyrir fólk til að vinna með fjölbreytta tækni.

Varðveittu dýrmætar minningar með handamóti

Yndisleg aðferð til að varðveita dýrmætar minningar frá barninu á yngri árum. Föndurlist býður upp á AccuCast pakkann sem er notaður til að taka mót af höndum!

Stefanie Etter – Crackle Paste & Silicone

Föndurlist er samstarfsaðili Stefanie Etter sem er þýsk listakona sem sérhæfir sig í Resin Art og Mixed Media. Sjá heimasíðu Stefani Etter  Stefani Etter hefur sérhæft sig í sérstakri listagerð, þar sem hún blandar saman efnum á einstakan hátt og þá m.a. Silicone og Crackle Paste sem gefur þessa sérstöku áferð. Sjá einnig þessa heimasíðu […]

Leysiefna frí efni fyrir Olíumálun frá Gamblin, USA

„Solvent-Free Gel and Solvent-Free Fluid are painting mediums made from safflower oil and alkyd resin with no solvent.  The alkyd resin, which is essentially a highly polymerized oil, accounts for the faster drying rate of these materials, compared to either linseed or safflower oils used alone. In regards to their drying, these mediums have a […]

UV RESIN – Einfalt og Fljótlegt

Resin fyrir minni verkefni eins og skartgripagerð. Þarf ekki að blanda og harðnar bara undir UV ljósi svo þú hefur nægan tíma til að vinna að verkefninu. Við erum með ýmsa fylgihluti fyrir þetta eins og mót – ljós – hrærur – skrauthluti ofl. Hér eru nokkur skemmtileg og fræðandi myndbönd um hvað hægt er […]

Myndir úr verslun



Sýnishorn af úrvali í vefverslun

  • Smarta is a modeling paste with which you can create flowers, decorations, figures, accessories, jewelry, miniature and artistic arrangements for all kinds of hobby, educational and professional purposes. -It air dries in an average of 24 hours. Does not require baking, uses no energy. -Ready for use. It is soft, easy to shape. -It is flexible, resistant […]

  • Siska 8-inch all-purpose scissors | Silver Teflon coating Make crafting a breeze by adding these amazing 8inch all-purpose scissors from Siska as part of your crafting tools. They are exceptional scissors to have for multiple uses in various tasks and can be used for cutting Burlap, paper, cardstock, cardboard, wrapping paper, light line, fabric, tape, […]

  • Whitener & Brightener 236 ml Rescue your dingy clothing from dullness without the harshness of bleach. Our Whitener & Brightener works with your detergent to whiten your whites and brighten your colors so that you can enjoy your clothing for the long run. Can be used with any washing machine, including high-efficiency machines. How does […]

  • They are a suspensions of a water-insoluble pigment based on hyperallergenic substances, which are distinguished by their inertness to the skin and are widely used in pharmacy as a base for active ingredients. The soap will not be transparent at high pigment concentrations. The pigment does not migrate to other product layers and does not […]

  • The product MASTERCAST 1-2-1 What it is. MASTERCAST 1-2-1 is an ASTM certified two component, epoxy resin for easy and safe application. Create stunning, high-gloss works of art with MASTERCAST 1-2-1. What it can do. MASTERCAST 1-2-1 becomes a hard and glass-like varnish when its two individual components are mixed. It also offers the best […]

  • Calligraphy Set 9 pcs. Set consisting of a penholder, 5 different, gold-colored pens, a glass of black calligraphy ink, and a seal with metal head and a rod sealing wax, packed in a black box.

  • RestauroHouse artistic paint brushes with nylon (golden synthetic) bristles cut at an angle are a guarantee of good quality at a low price. Nylon bristles are recommended for painting with acrylic, watercolor, gouache and tempera paints. It imitates natural bristles and has similar features: it is flexible, soft, absorbs and transfers pigment well, eliminates brush stroke marks. It […]

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