Velkomin/nn í Föndurlist – Hafnarfirði, Strandgötu 75 – OPIÐ – Þriðjudaga – Miðvikudaga og Fimmtudaga kl 13-18


Töfrandi litir frá PRISMACOLOR

Mjög mikil litadýpt, styður fjölmargar teikniaðferðir, og henta vel fyrir alla notkun listamannsins. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Hér eru nokkur myndbönd sem sýna hvernig Við bjóðum upp á margar gerðir af litum frá PRISMA, bæði í margs konar pökkum, og í stökum blýöntum. Komdu og finndu litina sem þig akkúrat vantar núna. Nokkrir vinsælir PRISMACOLOR […]

Hágæða teiknivörur frá Cretacolor

CRETACOLOR framleiðir mikið úrval af myndlistavörum fyrir fólk til að vinna með fjölbreytta tækni.

Varðveittu dýrmætar minningar með handamóti

Yndisleg aðferð til að varðveita dýrmætar minningar frá barninu á yngri árum. Föndurlist býður upp á AccuCast pakkann sem er notaður til að taka mót af höndum!

Stefanie Etter – Crackle Paste & Silicone

Föndurlist er samstarfsaðili Stefanie Etter sem er þýsk listakona sem sérhæfir sig í Resin Art og Mixed Media. Sjá heimasíðu Stefani Etter  Stefani Etter hefur sérhæft sig í sérstakri listagerð, þar sem hún blandar saman efnum á einstakan hátt og þá m.a. Silicone og Crackle Paste sem gefur þessa sérstöku áferð. Sjá einnig þessa heimasíðu […]

Leysiefna frí efni fyrir Olíumálun frá Gamblin, USA

„Solvent-Free Gel and Solvent-Free Fluid are painting mediums made from safflower oil and alkyd resin with no solvent.  The alkyd resin, which is essentially a highly polymerized oil, accounts for the faster drying rate of these materials, compared to either linseed or safflower oils used alone. In regards to their drying, these mediums have a […]

UV RESIN – Einfalt og Fljótlegt

Resin fyrir minni verkefni eins og skartgripagerð. Þarf ekki að blanda og harðnar bara undir UV ljósi svo þú hefur nægan tíma til að vinna að verkefninu. Við erum með ýmsa fylgihluti fyrir þetta eins og mót – ljós – hrærur – skrauthluti ofl. Hér eru nokkur skemmtileg og fræðandi myndbönd um hvað hægt er […]

Myndir úr verslun



Sýnishorn af úrvali í vefverslun

  • A450 Watercolour Brush 08 Round hand-tied brush Ø 8,0 mm with a mixture of synthetic and natural hair and a short, coated wooden handle. The combination of the hair allows a very good fluid intake

  • This washable ink pad is specially formulated with nontoxic ingredients approved by the FDA for use by children. Size: 3″X2″. Child safe inks are ideal for younger stampers as they are water-based, kid safe and non-toxic. Just For Kids ink pads are specially formulated with non-toxic ingredients approved by the FDA for use by children. […]

  • The product MASTERCAST 1-2-1 What it is. MASTERCAST 1-2-1 is an ASTM certified two component, epoxy resin for easy and safe application. Create stunning, high-gloss works of art with MASTERCAST 1-2-1. What it can do. MASTERCAST 1-2-1 becomes a hard and glass-like varnish when its two individual components are mixed. It also offers the best […]

  • Listmálara penslar Listmálara penslar  – Princeton Select brushes go above and beyond basic brush shapes and sizes. Princeton Selects are high quality, short handled brushes that are made to last. With their robin’s egg blue colored handles, these brushes will be a beautiful addition to your existing brush collection They can be used with acrylics, […]

  • Olíupastel sett   Oil pastels (48) Artist oil pastels of excellent quality with 11 mm diameter and 7 cm in length. They are lightfast, easily mixable  and non toxic The intensive and vigorous application of paint adheres to all common painting grounds such. Cardboard, paper, canvas or wood. Box of 48 pcs. asssorted

  • Suitable for use with alcohol ink For mixing, blending, diluting and lightening ink Dampen and remove alcohol ink any time The Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink Blending Solution from Ranger allows you to blend several colours of alcohol-based ink nicely together. Use the liquid to mix different colours of alcohol ink to create a new colour, […]

  • You will love ArtsSyVille Foil Adhesive, it only takes one coat – this alone will save you time and money. Apply one coat using a low-nap roller and allow to dry to a firm tack (approximately 1 to 2 hours – longer in high humidity areas) and apply your foil for a near flawless release. […]

  • Workable Fixatif Reworkable clear finish prevents smudging of soft art materials like pencil and pastel. Protects pencil, pastel, chalk, charcoal, conte crayon and india ink Erase through coating to rework artwork Non-wrinkling; non-yellowing Acid-free/archival safe DRY TO TOUCH: 30 minutes DRY TO HANDLE: 1 hour FOR USE ON Wood, Metal, Plastic, Paper Mache, Glass, Plaster, […]

  • Skrautskriftar sett Calligraphy Set 10 pcs.

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