Strandgötu 75
220 Hafnarfirði

Opið kl. 13-17
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553 1800

Föndurlist er samstarfsaðili Stefanie Etter sem er þýsk listakona sem sérhæfir sig í Resin Art og Mixed Media.
Sjá heimasíðu Stefani Etter 

Stefani Etter hefur sérhæft sig í sérstakri listagerð, þar sem hún blandar saman efnum á einstakan hátt og þá m.a. Silicone og Crackle Paste sem gefur þessa sérstöku áferð.

Sjá einnig þessa heimasíðu á vegum Stefani Etter

Art has accompanied Stefanie Etter for more than 20 years. She attended master classes and art academies, developed her distinctive style and trained as an art therapist. In 2016, she discovered the medium of resin for herself. Largely unknown in the German art scene at the time, she quickly realised the possibilities it offered her and her art. Resin is the ideal medium for her artistic expression, she finds her calling in working with it.

As an artist, Stefanie uses myriad media, materials and tools to create her multi-layered works. Among other things, she uses synthetic resins, structural materials, mixed media, wood or papers. For the application, she uses her hands, brushes and spatulas – and containers from which she lets the resin flow.

This flowing combines with the haptic work on the painting surface to create a visual harmony that distinguishes her artworks, making them unique and recognisable. The viewer also discovers details of oil pastels, tar, rust or painted layers as well as spray paint.

The multi-dimensionality arises in the process: Stefanie works on her pictures, removes, grinds and polishes until the result is coherent.


Nánar um Silicone og Crackle Paste:

Crackle Paste is great for creating textural art effects and bringing unique 3D cracks to your art

Crackle mediums have been around for a while but this exciting new development takes it a step further. The kit consists of two parts, a white base (primer) and the XL Crackle paste for the top layer. This two-stage format offers endless controllability and adaptability not previously possible with single-pack crackle mediums.

The primer adheres well to materials such as canvas, wood, styrofoam, plastic, glass or metal. It is not suitable for materials made of silicone. The primer adheres perfectly to the crackle paste and can be pigmented before application.
Smelltu hér til fá Crackle Paste hjá Föndurlist.


– Easy to process
– Low viscosity, very good flowability, high detail in reproduction
– Cures without reaction heat to a resistant, elastomeric plastic (vulcanizate)
– Extremely tear-resistant and flexible
– Easy removal of models due to excellent non-stick properties

 Suitable for:

– Impression: detailed, demanding, hard-wearing, elastic.
–  Casting resin, soap casting, plaster, concrete
– Impressions of any kind, e.g. for coasters, trays, candle holders, baking molds.
– Manual and machine processingFöndurlist býður upp á þetta Silicone Premium Soft Rose í 1 kg setti eða 2 kg setti.

Sjá fleiri myndbönd frá Stefani Etter hér.

Vörur sem Föndurlist er með á lager er Resin Crackle Paste – Silicone og fleira.