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Neon málning – Rave – Black Light – Andlitsmálning – sett –

5.990 kr.

Neon málning

neon málning

Það sem er í þessu setti

Fluro Yellow
Fluro Red
Fluro Pink
Fluro Green
Fluro Blue
Sponge Applicator – svampur
Brushes (2) –  2 penslar


Choosing the New Derivan Face & Body Paint Fluro Set is the brightest option you can have.
This set will certainly help you make a statement, especially under a „black light“ where it will reflect your design in the best possible illuminated way. The glowing effect of these paints are most effective under “black” or UV light, frequently available at hardware stores.

Completely non-toxic and cosmetic grade paint, this Fluro Set contains five neon colours
(orange, blue, yellow, green, pink), two brushes and a square sponge applicator.
Easy to apply and also easily removed with soap and water.

Fluro face painting tips, Neon Málning – Rave

type bullet You don’t have to use only fluro paints for the complete design. Mix and experiment.
Derivan also has a range of non fluro colours that you can use as base before adding fluro details.

Although all colours in the range are intermixable, apply the fluro colours on top to maximise the glowing effect.

type bullet Lots of small details can add up to a big impact.

A series of small dots along your eyebrows or circles repeateadly
around your cheeks can look particularly effective.

type bullet Small dots can be achieved by using the opposite end of the brush, dipping it
in paint and dotting it on the skin. Cotton buds are also good for this purpose.

type bullet Yellow, pink and green have the greatest glow effect.
Blue has the least colour glow intensity


Throwing a fabulous Fluro Party!!

If you’re looking for a theme for your next party then why not go Fluro! We have a few tips to make your party the highlight of your social calendar.

type bullet Make sure the room is completely dark except for the special UV lights and some strategically placed low standard lighting. You don’t have to paint the walls but use material and curtains to cover all other sources of light.

type bullet Wear either white or black clothes. White will glow brighter under the UV light. Glow highlighters can be used to create patterns and messages that will show up under the UV light as well, but make sure it’s an old item of clothing as the markers can stain.

type bullet Place party food on clear glass plates and paint the underside a fluro colour. It will keep the theming consistent and your guest will actually be able to find the food! White icing will also glow so feel free to put than on any cupcakes. For a healthier option, banana slices on toothpicks will glow a ghostly blue!

type bullet For drinks, anything with a milk base will have a blue glow. Get a milkshake maker and some clear, tall milkshake glasses and call them glowshakes! Scoops of ice cream in lemonade also create an old fashioned delicious “spider” drink with a similar effect.

type bullet Decorate the walls with sheets or florescent paper cut into starts and shapes. Hang them from coat hangers to create a simple mobile. Suspend white or fluro streamers across the room.

type bullet Glowsticks and bracelets can be purchased relatively cheaply so be sure to stock up on them and give each guest one as they arrive. You can also place them in balloons before inflating them.


Munurinn á Neon málning sem notuð er undir Black Light og Glow in The Dark málningu


Fluorescent paints are different to Phosphorescent paint.

Although both have glowing properties, these are achieved in different ways.
Fluro paints return more light than what they receive, ie; from sunlight or artificial light, therefore appearing brighter. Their glowing effect is more intense when placed under „UV or black light’ and they will continue to illuminate while the black light is present.
Completely „glow in the dark paint“ (phosphorescent) need to be placed in direct sunlight, or other source of light, in order to “charge”, which will then glow (typically a pale green to greenish-blue colour) in the absence of any sort of light. Partial light will also decrease their effectiveness. This glow is also temporary as the “charge” decreases over time.

The science behind these two types of paint is based on the concept of atoms.
In Fluro paint, these atoms become excited (vibrate) when exposed to UV or black light. When excited, they give off tiny particles of light called photons. Remove the light source and the atoms calm down and cease to give off light.

Phosphorescent or „glow in the dark“ paints work in a similar manner except that there is a significant delay between the atoms absorbing and then emitting light. They need to build up enough energy to create light. As the amount of energy they contain is fixed they fade over time as the energy is depleted.