1.695 kr.
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Have a tough stain..You will never use anything else.
Just a drop is all you need to remove oil, grease, paint, make-up, grass, clay, ink, blood, baby food, tar, coffee, rust, beta dine, pet stains, fabric bleed…..most any stains! And it is versatile. Use on all fabrics, carpet, rugs, pet bedding, even leather. Amazingly, it even removes old stains as well! Try it on those stains that have aged in, or ones that have gone through the washing machine already. The best part is that it is concentrated. Just one 2 oz. bottles can last you up to a year with normal use.
Environmentally friendly and safe, too. Contains no Chlorine or Phosphates and is Biodegradable.
— Oil, Grease, Paint, Make-Up, Grass, Clay, Inks, Blood, Baby Formula, Tar, Spaghetti Sauce, Coffee, Betadine, Rust, Tumeric, Fabric Bleed, Pet Stains.
…most any kind of STAIN. It works!
* “Take it Anywhere and use it on the Spot”
* No Chlorine
* No Bleach
* No animal testing
* Made in the USA
Let us hear what stains YOU have removed!
Föndurlist-Vaxandi ehf.
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