Strandgötu 75
220 Hafnarfirði

Opið kl. 13-17
Þriðjudaga til fimmtudags

553 1800

Catalyst Silicone Wedge Nr 1

3.350 kr.

Vnr. wedge1 Vöruflokkur
Designed for use with heavy-bodied paints, this wedge is made of engineered silicone and are ergonomically designed to fit in the hand allowing a direct interaction with art work. Is ideal for oils, acrylics and water-miscible oils, and because they are heat-resistant, they excel at encaustics as well. They also work well with plaster, clay and even frosting. Made of FDA-approved silicone, they are also are great for food crafting. The silicone is easy to wipe clean and is solvent resistant. Clean up in most cases can be done with mild soap and water. Dried paint can be peeled off the silicone surface.