Strandgötu 75
220 Hafnarfirði

Opið kl. 13-18
Þriðjudaga til fimmtudags

553 1800

Leir Sjálfhardandi Svartur 100 gr –

995 kr.

Vnr. 30000104 Vöruflokkar ,

Smarta is a modeling paste with which you can create flowers, decorations, figures, accessories,
jewelry, miniature and artistic arrangements for all kinds of hobby, educational and professional purposes.

-It air dries in an average of 24 hours. Does not require baking, uses no energy.
-Ready for use. It is soft, easy to shape.
-It is flexible, resistant to breaking and impact.
-It can be colored with all types of acrylic, oil paints and soft pastels.
-With 28 different colors, Smarta clay can be mixed together to get new colors.
-It is very suitable for working with molds and cutters. Successfully transfers surface patterns.
-Smarta, with an innovative and enjoyable state of the art, which you can apply to

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