Velkomin/nn í Föndurlist – Hafnarfirði, Strandgötu 75 – OPIÐ – Þriðjudaga – Miðvikudaga og Fimmtudaga kl 13-18


Töfrandi litir frá PRISMACOLOR

Mjög mikil litadýpt, styður fjölmargar teikniaðferðir, og henta vel fyrir alla notkun listamannsins. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Hér eru nokkur myndbönd sem sýna hvernig Við bjóðum upp á margar gerðir af litum frá PRISMA, bæði í margs konar pökkum, og í stökum blýöntum. Komdu og finndu litina sem þig akkúrat vantar núna. Nokkrir vinsælir PRISMACOLOR […]

Hágæða teiknivörur frá Cretacolor

CRETACOLOR framleiðir mikið úrval af myndlistavörum fyrir fólk til að vinna með fjölbreytta tækni.

Varðveittu dýrmætar minningar með handamóti

Yndisleg aðferð til að varðveita dýrmætar minningar frá barninu á yngri árum. Föndurlist býður upp á AccuCast pakkann sem er notaður til að taka mót af höndum!

Stefanie Etter – Crackle Paste & Silicone

Föndurlist er samstarfsaðili Stefanie Etter sem er þýsk listakona sem sérhæfir sig í Resin Art og Mixed Media. Sjá heimasíðu Stefani Etter  Stefani Etter hefur sérhæft sig í sérstakri listagerð, þar sem hún blandar saman efnum á einstakan hátt og þá m.a. Silicone og Crackle Paste sem gefur þessa sérstöku áferð. Sjá einnig þessa heimasíðu […]

Leysiefna frí efni fyrir Olíumálun frá Gamblin, USA

„Solvent-Free Gel and Solvent-Free Fluid are painting mediums made from safflower oil and alkyd resin with no solvent.  The alkyd resin, which is essentially a highly polymerized oil, accounts for the faster drying rate of these materials, compared to either linseed or safflower oils used alone. In regards to their drying, these mediums have a […]

UV RESIN – Einfalt og Fljótlegt

Resin fyrir minni verkefni eins og skartgripagerð. Þarf ekki að blanda og harðnar bara undir UV ljósi svo þú hefur nægan tíma til að vinna að verkefninu. Við erum með ýmsa fylgihluti fyrir þetta eins og mót – ljós – hrærur – skrauthluti ofl. Hér eru nokkur skemmtileg og fræðandi myndbönd um hvað hægt er […]

Myndir úr verslun



Sýnishorn af úrvali í vefverslun

  • Dive into the world of painting with our Acrylic Colour Paints. This paint range offers vibrant colours that dry quickly to a semi-matte finish. Whether you’re a student or an artist, create something new today! The 500ml bottle is a great size for schools and art classes looking for large quantities of essential colours, or for the artist […]

  • A water-based marker with excellent water resistance and light resistance Pigma series uses pigment ink It does not bleed even if the line marker is pulled from above Uses: Notebooks, notebooks, tags, illustrations. Thermal copying and plate making. Drawings, preservation documents, important documents.Comic/Sketch/Pattern Art

  • The wick is set in the desired shape. The mosaic is poured into the mould, one or more colours. Liquid paraffin is poured into the mold and you get the finest mosaic light. Remember, if you choose to use a liquid paraffin with colour, the color must be lighter than the mosaic cubes you get […]

  • Triangle ruler With mm scaling of the hypotenuse, acryl 32,5 cm, with detachable handle

  • Rice paper set mini RSM012 – Graphics by Monika Dutkiewicz Art: owl, tiger, butterfly, cat, skull, face The RSM paper set includes: 6 sheets of rice paper 14,8×14,8 cm with single graphics – 6 different graphics in one package. „A tattoo is a wonderful way to express yourself and your views. Often it can close certain chapters of our lives […]

  • Gansai Tambi watercolor is a water-based mixture of mica and pigment, which create beautiful luminescent colors. The dense and homogenized pigmentation allows for optimum coverage and a smooth distribution of both color and mica. The Starry Set contains pans of blue gold, red gold, yellow gold, champagne gold, light gold and white gold. Kr 4950

  • Angelus Flat Black Paint dries with almost no shine. Great for applications where a low gloss look is desired, like if you’re making a pair of custom BRED 1’s. Our premium acrylic leather paint will not crack or peel when prepped and applied properly. And it’s water-based for easy clean-up and mixable for countless custom colors!

  • Monolith Graphite The Monolith Graphite woodless pencil is a pure graphite stick protected by a thin lacquer coating. Broad and fine strokes can be applied with equal ease. Sharpen with a regular sharpener (we recommend the Monolith Sharpener, item no. 430 24).  Economical to use. Available in six degrees: HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B, 9B.

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