Velkomin/nn í Föndurlist – Hafnarfirði, Strandgötu 75 – OPIÐ – Þriðjudaga – Miðvikudaga og Fimmtudaga kl 13-18


Töfrandi litir frá PRISMACOLOR

Mjög mikil litadýpt, styður fjölmargar teikniaðferðir, og henta vel fyrir alla notkun listamannsins. Sjón er sögu ríkari. Hér eru nokkur myndbönd sem sýna hvernig Við bjóðum upp á margar gerðir af litum frá PRISMA, bæði í margs konar pökkum, og í stökum blýöntum. Komdu og finndu litina sem þig akkúrat vantar núna. Nokkrir vinsælir PRISMACOLOR […]

Hágæða teiknivörur frá Cretacolor

CRETACOLOR framleiðir mikið úrval af myndlistavörum fyrir fólk til að vinna með fjölbreytta tækni.

Varðveittu dýrmætar minningar með handamóti

Yndisleg aðferð til að varðveita dýrmætar minningar frá barninu á yngri árum. Föndurlist býður upp á AccuCast pakkann sem er notaður til að taka mót af höndum!

Stefanie Etter – Crackle Paste & Silicone

Föndurlist er samstarfsaðili Stefanie Etter sem er þýsk listakona sem sérhæfir sig í Resin Art og Mixed Media. Sjá heimasíðu Stefani Etter  Stefani Etter hefur sérhæft sig í sérstakri listagerð, þar sem hún blandar saman efnum á einstakan hátt og þá m.a. Silicone og Crackle Paste sem gefur þessa sérstöku áferð. Sjá einnig þessa heimasíðu […]

Leysiefna frí efni fyrir Olíumálun frá Gamblin, USA

„Solvent-Free Gel and Solvent-Free Fluid are painting mediums made from safflower oil and alkyd resin with no solvent.  The alkyd resin, which is essentially a highly polymerized oil, accounts for the faster drying rate of these materials, compared to either linseed or safflower oils used alone. In regards to their drying, these mediums have a […]

UV RESIN – Einfalt og Fljótlegt

Resin fyrir minni verkefni eins og skartgripagerð. Þarf ekki að blanda og harðnar bara undir UV ljósi svo þú hefur nægan tíma til að vinna að verkefninu. Við erum með ýmsa fylgihluti fyrir þetta eins og mót – ljós – hrærur – skrauthluti ofl. Hér eru nokkur skemmtileg og fræðandi myndbönd um hvað hægt er […]

Myndir úr verslun



Sýnishorn af úrvali í vefverslun

  • Hard Pastel Sets The color ranges for the Starter, Nature and Portrait sets feature the colors most appropriate to these themes. Each set contains 12 assorted pastels. Ideal for students and beginners.

  • Watercolor pad With white, rough cellulose-based watercolor paper. For all watercolor drawing techniques. Inside paper is Acid-free and FSC certified. With natural colored cardboard cover, hard back, microperforated sheets and spiral on top.

  • Designed for use with heavy-bodied paints, this wedge is made of engineered silicone and are ergonomically designed to fit in the hand allowing a direct interaction with art work. Is ideal for oils, acrylics and water-miscible oils, and because they are heat-resistant, they excel at encaustics as well. They also work well with plaster, clay […]

  • Virkar bæði fyrir Soyjawax og Parafin wax 8 – 9  þvermál

  • Coloured Charcoal Pencils 12pc PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Mont Marte Coloured Charcoal is available in 4 earthy colours that have been favoured by the masters for centuries. Originally sketches were produced as studies for paintings. Now drawing with these materials is recognised as a fine medium in its own right. These pencils will capture the warmth of […]

  • Simply fill, cure and pop! Our premium silicone molds can be used again and again! To use, simply fill with UV resin and your favorite inclusions, cure with UV light and pop the finished resin piece out of the mold. Clean gently with soap and water, or try wet wipes to quickly remove any residue.

  • In this beautiful book, Naomi Okamoto passes on her experience and knowledge of Sumi-e traditional Japanese ink painting that uses only ink, white space and simple brushstrokes to capture the essence of an object, person, animal or scene. With her deep understanding of both the technical and spiritual aspects of this ancient art, she guides […]

  • Acrylic Inks Matisse Inks are acrylic based inks They have bright, intense colours and are heavily pigmented for use in many applications. Perfect for calligraphy, pen and wash, technical drawing and airbrushing as well as watercolour techniques on paper and painting on prepared canvas. These 22 colours include four metallic and one iridescent for infinite […]

  • Hnoðleður fyrir kol – pastel og graphite PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Kneadable Erasers are an essential tool for the charcoal, pastel and sketch artist. Mont Marte Kneadable Erasers mould easily into a multitude of shapes and sizes. FEATURES the erasers are pliable, yet firm enough to hold their shape while erasing. excellent for removing highlights from charcoal, […]

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